Lorraine Lie completed a Bachelor of Music Degree, at the Queensland University of Technology, Australia. She started learning violin and piano since the age of seven, and started learning guitar in university.

Miss Lie has performed in her own CD Production: "Angel in the Sky", "Shepherd of my soul", "Heavenwards" during university and participated in church CD production: "First love", also in Brenda Li’s CD production: “Pray to you” (我向祢禱告) and “Proclaim thy name” (呼求祢名) as pianist, guitarist, violinist, vocalist and songwriter. Miss Lie won the 2nd prize for “Praise and Worship Explosion singer-songwriter” competition in 2013. She has been a regular music performer in various venues and was a regular violin performer at the Shangri La Hotel.

Lorraine started part time music instrument teaching since 2003 and became full time music tutor since 2009, teaching from the age of 3 to 63, assisting students in improving their instruments skills and trying to make every lesson enjoyable as playing music is so much fun!

L.W. Lie

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Aldrik Chun Yin Tsang - Acoustic Guitar Grade 1 (Video Graded Certificate)_page-0002.jpg

Rockschool Acoustic Guitar Grade 1


Exam type:
Video Graded Certificate

Performance Piece 1 18/20
Performance Piece 2 18/20
Performance Piece 3 18/20
Graded Certificate Technical Work 18/20

Total 72/80

Instructor : Ms Lorraine Lie