Wish you a Merry Christmas!!!

On behalf of the Hong Kong Flute Centre, Jasmine, Amber, Lily and Evan wish everyone a Merry Christmas 2021, and a season to be filled with LOVE, CARE and HOPE. Playing here by the young flutists " In the Bleak Mid Winter" for flute quartet. Enjoy !!

香港長笛中心祝大家聖誕快樂 ! 年輕長笛家 Jasmine, Amber, Lily 及 Evan 為大家送上 In the Bleak Mid-Winter 長笛四重奏版本,初嘗合奏滋味, 試試玩玩, 與大家一起慶賀佳節!!

On behalf of Pure Orchestral Centre, the "Pet" and the "Bone" wish everyone a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR ! Played here we have Alex on trumpet and Justin on trombone ok " We Wish You a Merry Christmas". This is Alex and Justin's very first attempt to playing trumpet and trombone duet ! Enjoy and be proud !

Merry Christmas to ALL, Cheers !!!


Happy Lunar New Year!!!

