
What can I say about this- An amazing mum, a generous dad and four amazing girls who make their unwavering efforts in uniting all of us, the Hong Kong people, to excel our ultimate spirit of Hong Kong in such a warm and creative presentation at such a challenging times!

So glad to be able to involve in the making of this motivating and encouraging video , thank you Nicola Nicola Cheung Young for such thoughtful opportunity!

Let's show the world our unique "Under the Lion Rock" spirit of Hong Kong - 獅子山下、同舟共濟, 大家一起共勉之! 💪🥂🙂🤝純樂管弦中心透過音樂與全體港人同行, 獅子山下精神不滅,同舟共濟,與各香港人同行

#振奮人心 #非常成功的大龍鳳 #越搞越大彈好彩收到科 #厲害港媽典範 #我的神奇女兒

Thanks YOUNG family for the thoughful opportunity to collaborate in this video ! 以下送上是這首歌的Making Of。


See you at Invictus Secondary School!


Happy Lunar New Year!!!