Yaoyao Lu 陸遙遙

陸遙遙是國家大劇院管弦樂團的長笛副首席,也是一位年輕的演奏家。她於2007年畢業於瀋陽音樂學院附中,師從魏煌教授。2011年,她以優異的成績畢業於中央音樂學院,師從王永新教授,獲得學士學位。同年,她考入巴黎音樂學院(Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional de Paris),師從Vincent Lucas教授,攻讀最高演奏家級別(concertiste)。2014年,她以第一名的成績獲得最高演奏家文憑。隨後,她進入法國巴黎高等師範音樂學院(Ecole Normale de Musique de Paris),師從Phillippe Lesgourgues教授,2016年以最短時間獲得第二個最高演奏家文憑(Diplôme Supérieur de Concertiste)。

2015年9月,陸遙遙考入英國皇家音樂學院,跟隨William Bennett、Clare Southworth和Patricia Morris學習長笛與短笛,並於2017年以優異成績獲得碩士學位。她在多個比賽中獲得獎項,包括中國木管演奏比賽長笛组三等奖,中央音樂學院木管協奏曲公開賽長笛組第一名等。此外,還獲得英國Jonathan Myall短笛比賽高度推薦獎和第21屆法國國際青年長笛比賽短笛組一等奖。

自2007年起,她擔任中國青年交響樂團、英國皇家音樂學院交響樂團和倫敦小交響樂團的長笛與短笛首席,成功在多個音樂廳演出,包括北京音樂廳、巴黎Salle Cortot音樂廳和倫敦皇家節日音樂廳等。她還在法國巴黎第四屆長笛年會、尼斯國際音樂節和北京國際音樂節等著名音樂節上成功舉辦音樂會。


她曾在2017年William Bennett國際長笛夏令營擔任助教,並從2021年起擔任蜂鳥音樂獎中國青少年音樂比賽的評委,負責北京賽區及全國級比賽,同時參與多所北京高校的招生評審工作。2024年3月,她與鋼琴家李升合作發行個人第一張短笛專輯《短笛印象集》,並獲得索尼音樂的推薦。

Yaoyao LU is currently associate principal flute of China National Centre for the Performing Arts Orchestra, and was a Teaching Assistant at William Bennett International Flute Summer School. 

LU started learning the flute at the age of 9, and at 13 entered the Middle School of Shenyang Conservatory of Music under Wei Huang. At the age of 18 she was admitted to the Central Conservatory of Music under Wang Yongxin, graduating Bachelor of Music with excellent grades in 2011. 

In the same year, she moved to France to enter the Conservatoire à rayonnement régional de Paris, studying under Vincent Lucas, principal flute of the Orchestre de Paris. Receiving the Concertiste Diploma with the highest score in 2014. She then transferred to the Ecole Normal de Musique de Paris to study with Phillippe Lesgourgues, quickly obtaining her second Diploma Superior de Concertiste in 2016. 

During this period she was also accepted by the Royal Academy of Music to study in London for her Master degree which she completed with honours in 2017. Her professors were William Bennett, Clare Southworth, and Patricia Morris, former principal piccolo of the BBC Symphony Orchestra. 

During her student years, LU played as principal flute and piccolo of the China Youth Symphony Orchestra, the Symphony Orchestra of the Royal Academy of Music, and the London Sinfonietta, performing in prominent venues such as the Beijing Concert Hall, the Salle Cortot in Paris, and the Royal Festival Hall in London. She performed successfully in the 4th Annual Flute Convention in Paris, and has appeared at numerous international music festivals, winning awards for both flute and piccolo performance. 

Since 2018, she has served as associate principal flute in the resident orchestra of China’s prestigious National Centre for the Performing Arts, which performs regular concerts and opera performances at home and travels abroad on tour. In this role she has played for many renowned musicians, such as Lü Jia, Christoph Es- chenbach, Chung Myung-whun, Daniele Gatti, Vladimir Ashkenazy, Lang Lang ,Gautier Capuçon , Anne-sophie Mutter, Ning Feng, and Plácido Domingo.

 Since 2021, She has been invited to serve as a judge in major competitions and participate in the recruitment reviews of numerous universities. Yaoyao LU has become a popular young performer, actively involved in the pro- motion of cultural exchange between China and other countries. 

In March 2024, the first Piccolo and Piano CD in China, "images of piccolo", was released in collaboration with pianist Sheng Li and was featured on the home page of SONY Music.