Roderick Seed

Roderick Seed is a British flute player based in West Sussex and London UK, who made his Carnegie Hall debut in 2010.  

He graduated from the Royal Academy of Music, London in 2009, where he won the "Paddy Purcell Award" - an Entrance Scholarship - to study with William Bennett, OBE. He went on to study with Lorna McGhee, the principal flute of the Boston Symphony Orchestra at the University of British Columbia, Canada, where he also received a scholarship.  Previously, he has studied with Sebastian Bell, Kate Hill and Pat Morris (piccolo) and has participated in masterclasses given by international artists such as Emily Beynon, Emmanuel Pahud, Paul Edmund-Davies, David Takeno (violin professor) and Shigenori Kudo. 

In September 2010 Roderick was a First Prize Winner of the Alexander & Buono International Flute Competition (New York) and in October he performed at the Weill Recital Hall, Carnegie Hall.  He has also won prizes at the Royal Academy of Music Flute Prize, London Concerto Competition, BFS Young Artist Competition, and Portsmouth Music Festival.

He is the author of two books for flute players. His first book is  "Mastering the Flute with William Bennett", published by Indiana University Press in 2018. This is a book based on the masterful teaching of William Bennett, with exercises and illustrations. 

His second book is "7 Daily Vocalises", published by Tetractys Publishing in 2023. These are 7 challenging yet fun exercises for intermediate-advanced players. 

Roderick has given recitals and concerts in venues such as Snape Maltings (Aldeburgh Festival), St Martin in the Fields, St James's Piccadilly and Westminster Cathedral, as well as concert halls in Canada, Hungary, Germany, Japan and USA. He has played with Vancouver Symphony Orchestra, West Coast Symphony Orchestra, Postmodern Camerata, Prince George Symphony Orchestra, and London Octave.  As a teenager, he toured Europe as soloist in Malcolm Arnold's Flute Concerto with West Sussex County Youth Orchestra. He has played alongside flautists such as William Bennett and Denis Bouriakov and has been conducted by inspiring artists such as Yan-Pascal Tortelier, Leif Segerstam, Bramwell Tovey, Lahav Shani, Andrew Litton, David Danzmayr, and Jun Märkl.  

Roderick is a keen advocate of new music, having worked with many composers whilst still a student. He has premiered many chamber works by young composers and also a concerto by Nimrod Borenstein as a result of winning the solo award at the London Concerto Competition. In 2010, he gave a premiere of a new work written especially for him by Eddie McGuire at the British Flute Society Convention in Manchester.

Roderick is an active teacher.  He was Teaching Assistant at the William Bennett International Flute Summer School  and has also given masterclasses at the Royal Academy of Music, Liszt Ferenc Academy in Budapest, and for the Royal Muscat Philharmonic Orchestra in Oman. He has given classes and concerts in Japan, Canada, USA, and Europe. He was on the flute faculty for VSO School of Music in Vancouver and a jury member for the 7th Internet Competition of Young Performers "My Favourite Flute" based in Russia. 

Roderick is an Altus Flutes artist and plays on an Altus AL II flute with a headjoint hand made by Miguel Arista. 

Roderick Seed 是來自在英國,以西薩塞克斯和倫敦為基地的長笛演奏家,並於2010年在卡內基音樂廳首次登台演出。

Roderick 2009年畢業於倫敦皇家音樂學院,並獲得“Paddy Purcell Award”入學獎學金,師從William Bennett。隨後,他在加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞大學跟隨波士頓交響樂團首席長笛Lorna McGhee,期間再獲獎學金。此前,他曾向Sebastian Bell、Kate Hill和Pat Morris(短笛)學習,並參加過Emily Beynon、Emmanuel Pahud、Paul Edmund-Davies、David Takeno(小提琴教授)和Shigenori Kudo等國際藝術家的大師班。


Roderick更有兩本有關長笛演奏的著作。他的第一本書是《與William Bennett一起掌握長笛》,於2018年由印第安納大學出版社出版,這本書基於William Bennett的精湛教學,包含練習和插圖。他的第二本書《7 Daily Vocalises》於2023年由Tetractys Publishing出版,這是七個挑戰性且有趣的練習,適合中高級演奏者。

Roderick在Snape Maltings(阿爾德堡音樂節)、聖馬丁教堂、聖詹姆士教堂和威斯敏斯特大教堂等場所舉辦過獨奏會和音樂會,並在加拿大、匈牙利、德國、日本和美國的音樂廳演出。他曾與溫哥華交響樂團、西海岸交響樂團、後現代室內樂團、喬治王子交響樂團和倫敦八度樂團合作。作為青少年,他曾與西薩塞克斯郡青年管弦樂團在歐洲巡演,演奏馬爾科姆·阿諾德的長笛協奏曲。他曾與William Bennett和Denis Bouriakov等長笛演奏家同台演出,並接受了Yan-Pascal Tortelier、Leif Segerstam、Bramwell Tovey、Lahav Shani、Andrew Litton、David Danzmayr和Jun Märkl等指揮的指導。

Roderick是新音樂的熱情擁護者,在學生時期便與多位作曲家合作。他首演了許多年輕作曲家的室內作品,以及因贏得倫敦協奏曲比賽的獨奏獎而首演的Nimrod Borenstein的協奏曲。2010年,他在英國長笛協會大會上首演了Eddie McGuire專門為他創作的新作品。

Roderick是一位活躍的教師。他曾擔任William Bennett國際長笛夏令營的助教,並在皇家音樂學院、布達佩斯的李斯特音樂學院以及阿曼的皇家馬斯喀特愛樂樂團舉辦過大師班。他在日本、加拿大、美國和歐洲舉行過課程和音樂會,曾在溫哥華的VSO音樂學校擔任長笛教學,並擔任第七屆俄羅斯“我最喜愛的長笛”青少年表演者網絡比賽的評委。

Roderick是Altus Flutes的藝術家,演奏一把Altus AL II長笛,頭部由Miguel Arista手工製作。