Joel Tse 謝心樂
A major pupil and perhaps one of the most well-known figure of William Bennett (WIBB) School of teaching, Joel has been enjoying and developed an inseparable life-long relationship with WIBB include teaching at the William Bennett’s International Flute Summer School in England, Belgium and Italy for several consecutive summers, and being the master “chef” at many major WIBB’s flute events.
Prior to studied with WIBB, Joel received a Bachelor’s degree with a Performer’s Certificate from the Eastman School of Music, a Master’s degree from Northwestern University, and a Performance Diploma from the Royal Academy of Music in London. His teachers include Bonita Boyd, Walfrid Kujula (on the piccolo) Jeffrey Khaner and Keith Underwood.
An American Chinese of Hong Kong origin, Joel has held a number of prestigious Principal Flute positions with major orchestras throughout his careers. These profound principal chair appointments include The Toledo Symphony since 1998, The New World Symphony in Miami Beach, FL between 1995-1997. In addition, Joel has served the same position for the Hong Kong Philharmonic from 2001-02 and has performed regularly as guest Principal Flute with the English Chamber Orchestra and Baltimore Symphony Orchestra.
Active as a soloist and chamber musician throughout the world, Joel has been invited to perform recitals in England, Singapore, Japan, and Costa Rica, among others, and has played chamber music throughout Europe, Asia, Russia, South America, Greece, Turkey and Israel. He has participated in several renowned music festivals, including 3 consecutive summers with the Pacific Music Festival in Sapporo, Japan, and with the American-Soviet Youth Orchestra
In July 2000, Joel performed with the Pacific Music Festival’s 10th anniversary orchestra at the invitation of conductor Michael Tilson Thomas, touring throughout the country with an orchestra comprised of professional musicians from around the globe.
An experienced, sought-after teacher, Joel has presented masterclasses for the Costa Rica International Flute Festival. He also has served on the faculty of the University of Toledo Music Department since 2008, and Bowling Green State University College of Music since 2016.
Joel plays on a French flute made by Louis Lot, #1720, circa 1872.
作為一位馳譽國際的長笛家, 心樂老師的足跡遍布全球多個國家,曾任香港管弦樂團及美國新世界交響樂團長笛首席,目前為美國俄瓦俄州托雷多交響樂團長笛首席。
心樂老師生於香港, 三歲時隨父母移居美國, 並於當地接受專業及正統的長笛訓練,先後從美國著名音樂院校伊士曼音樂學院及西北大學音樂學院畢業, 追隨 Bonita Boyd, Jeffrey Khaner, Keith Underwood 等著名美國長笛家習藝。 除長笛外, 心樂老師更師從美國短笛之父Wilfred Kujula 學習短笛,是名符其實的長短笛「雙專業」演奏家, 實力無可置疑。
完成美國的學業後, 為追求更高層次、更卓越及更完美的演奏技巧及風格,心樂老師遠赴英國繼續其長笛之旅,入讀英國皇家音樂學院(Royal Academy of Music) ,承蒙一代長笛宗師威廉班乃特(William Bennett) 賞識,拜其門下,進一步鑽研個人技巧,並成為其得意門生之一 (相信亦是香港唯一的門生) 。此外,心樂老師更多度獲班乃特委任為其"威廉.班乃特國際長笛夏令學院"核心導師團成員,一同於英國、比利時及意大利等地巡迴交流。除作為導師團成員外, 心樂老師更是一位極出色的烹飪高手, 多次兼任「主廚」身份, 為夏令營學生及導師團隊們炮製佳餚美食,展現其親和一面。對於曾參與威廉.班乃特國際長笛夏令營的參加者來說,這個「吃」的部份是被公認為最美好回憶之一。
心樂老師常以獨奏家、客席長笛手及室樂演奏家的身份與英國、日本、星加坡、哥斯達黎加等地的管弦樂團及指揮家合作,於世界各地舉辦獨奏及室內樂演奏會,並多次與世界聞名的英國室樂團及美國巴爾的摩交響樂團合作演出。 2000 年起,心樂老師連續三年應邀前往由美國著名指揮家Michael Tilson Thomas 領導之泛亞洲太平洋音樂節獻藝。
他在長笛教育事業上亦不遺餘力,經常受邀往世界各地主持大師班,當中包括哥斯達黎加國際長笛節,將多年心得和經驗毫無保留傳授予後輩。 自2008 及2016 年起 , 心樂老师分别獲邀任教於俄瓦俄洲托雷多音樂學院及Bowling Green State University音樂學院,地位備受推崇。