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W.Y So

Winnie So graduated from the Bachelor of Music and Fine Arts program at the Hong Kong Baptist University in 2003, with a major in flute performance and piano pedagogy. Miss So started playing the piano at the age of 6 and flute at the age of 13. She received both the diplomas of piano and flute with distinction from the Associated Board of the Royal School of Music in 2002 and further obtained the DipABRSM (Performing) in 2004.Miss. So was a winner of the senior flute solo competition held by the Hong Kong School Music Festival, had been on a music tour to Korea in 2001 and visited the Beijing Conservatory of music in 2003. Currently, she is serving as the principal flute of the Hong Kong Flute Centre Flute Orchestra, has performed with such flute masters as William Bennett & Emmanuel Pahud. Miss. So has been on the faculty of PURE Orchestral Centre since 2002, had taught both piano and flute at various local and international schools such as Raimondi College (Primary Section), St. Joseph’s Primary School, Canadian International School of Hong Kong, VIctoria Shanghai Academy and Independent School Foundation (ISF). Winnie is also an avid accompanist playing for students of Pure Orchestral Centre at various public performances, local and international music competitons.